Termite Control

Termites Control: Best Answers | DIY – Shell Doors

You may be suffering from any one or two from the below

  • Weakening wood strength
  • Safety over breakage of door or frame
  • Sleepless nights

Termites attack in India

3 out of 10 house fall prey to this termites attack in India

This blog is going to give you a great relief yet in brief

Quick Factors about Termites
Important factors about termites

Termites Types are Damp wood Termites, Dry wood Termites & Subterranean Termites. The Subterranean Termites is Most Dangerous then all available in India

Size – 1/8 inch (3mm) | strength – ability to break through wood, cardboard, any soft layers | Life span – 2 years to 50 (Workers, Soldiers, King, Queen)

How they’ll enter your Home?

They enter you home from Soil below your house where it has colonies inside it pencil lid like tunnel even Concrete Cracks can pave way for this predators to crawling inside your house.

Types of wood furniture does termites eat include Door, Furniture, Modular kitchen & Windows. Dead Plant, fungi affected wood is highly preferred easier to digest

How to Control Termites Attack?

Termites control methods that works in India

Difficulty – Easy | Medium | Hard

  • Find the Birthplace and eradicate it i.e Remove the suspected damaged woods, plants, that it feeds or dead trees nearby places of you home
  • Lookout for Woods that are allergic to Termites, Teak or dark wood is less prone. Remember Mosquitoes trying to survive even after new innovations in killing them, they are not completely allergic, if required TERMITES WILL EAT TEAK.
  • Hire a Pest Control professionals to control the attack, which is not Permanent solution obviously
  • Protect as a precaution i.e. spraying, keep wood area’s moisture free zone, Which you’d have missed in first place
  • Don’t keep the wooden layers attached to the wall, am I serious? How about the doors & windows then?
  • Generally Speaking Medium Protection measure is some cost free but requires time which something Comes under Maintenance of Home from Natural Invaders

Highly attacked wooden furniture’s in Indian houses are bedroom door frames as they are supported by wall.

  • Replace wood to something alternative like Steel door, steel windows, steel modular kitchen
    • Much affordable then wood that are less prone to Termites attack
    • A complete package of Door i.e. door, frame, lock, handle, paint, Peephole, sound arresting rubber liner something much cheaper then wooden door
Steel Door – Termites free & budget friendly with similar durability as wood

Why termites eat wood?

To built nest, to live inside wood with having tunnels, they need protection from light & predators

Feed cellulose within wood, microorganisms in Termites do actually digest the wood

To which things termites are allergic? & DIY Remedies

  • Sunlight or Heat
  • Boarex Powder with Laundry Powder
  • Vinegar with Lemon juice – But needs regular application

Permanent treatment that worked outside India

FYKI – NO! There is No permanent solution to eliminate Termites, but long lasting solutions like

  • Application of Bordeaux mixture
  • Termidor
  • Few poisonous acids and chemicals

Which is an Affordable Pest Control method?

Termites Control Methods Permanent Solution? How Durable ?
Pest Control Team No 5 years
DIY Treatments No 2 years*
Steel Door Set Yes 30 to 50 years
WPC Frame Yes 10 years*

Doing a self calculation over how much maintenance cost does this material types.

*may have other disadvantages, kindly check what are they!

Door Type Cost Treatment Cost
    1 BHK 2 BHK 3 BHK
Wood Door 10K to 1.5L Rs.800 to Rs.1100 Rs.1200 to 1500 Rs.1500 to 1800
Steel Door 13K to 78K N/A N/A N/A

How Termites Contribute to Environment?           

  • They are major contributors of atmospheric Methane (11%) very important and primary greenhouse gas produced by breaking the cellulose.
  • Helps in agriculture in many African countries

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